Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A song to remind me I must keep on my way

This is one of the songs I keep on my mp3 for those moments when I am assaulted by self-doubt.
My Ex left me, out of the blue, never contacted me again, and I still have this fantasies (becoming less frequent with time) that he might regret what he did, and come back to me. La Roux's Bulletproof helps me to remind myself I am better of without him, and that such fantasies are just a by product of missing good old times when something makes me feel a bit down in the present.
I will keep myself on my way, and  one day I will be able to forget him, as you all will be able to forget those lovers who made you wrong. Dance and celebrate yourself and your strenght!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A love song to start the day

This- Brave by Sara Bareilles -  is one of the songs in my list for starting the day in a positive way. Beautiful lyrics to speak to the scared inner children that live inside each of us.

Wish you all a great and brave day :) Enjoy yourselves because you are beautiful!

Grabbing the beautiful moments that make me happy


Yesterday just went for a long walk with a friend by the end of the day. I didn't remember how great it is to leave the house, after a day of work, feeling so relaxed on my trainers, and knowing I was going to meet a great friend and her big smile! What a pleasure it is to walk and exercice on great company, being able to talk and relax after a day spent in front of the computer.
It is complete bliss to share a moment of exercice and a beautiful sunset. I am grateful for this moment.
Image of two women walking was taken from here

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Inspirational online readings

I always take some time during the day in order to search for inspiration online. It is really amazing to read other peoples thoughts on issues that affect us so much in our daily lives. It makes you feel you are not alone in this journey, and also helps you on building self-confidence in yourself and your opinions.
I consider all this sharing of thoughts and know-hows as being the bright side of the internet. Everytime I feel alone and lost about a subject or situation that is worring me, I Google it and find someone else's thoughts on it. So here is small list with the posts that really inspired and helped me during last week:

    Beautiful image with girl reading on the Couch was taken from here

Soundtrack to start the day in a happy place

Being a PhD student is not an easy job, specially when you don't have a working place to go to, and you end up working mostly on your desk in your room. Or in the Public Library having to carry a lot of books, notebooks, and your laptop with you, arriving home with a lot of back pain. After 3 years of such routine, there are days (like today) when I feel really unmotivated to keep going. There are almost no boundaries between my private life and my work, and that is really really hard to cope with.

So today in order to motivate myself, after almost 2 hours procrastination on the web, I decided to create a list of feeling good motivational songs to start the working days. The one I choose for today was Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten.

 Enjoy! I hope it also works to keep you standing during your work day :)